Health Informatics

HIN 730: Human Factors for System Development

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and the most intricate and sophisticated computer system is only as useful as its users. This course examines computer and non-computer systems from the perspective of their users, exploring ways…

Credits: 3

Health Informatics

HIN 735: Measuring User Experience

User experience UX metrics are key to designing and improving mission-critical information systems used by many people within the organization. In this course, students will learn techniques for measuring user experience both quantitatively and qualitatively, and for analyzing that data…

Credits: 3

Summer University Graduate Course

HIN 750: Applying Consumerization Principles | (8 Weeks)

This course introduces students to the concept of Healthcare Consumerism, including the relationships between consumer, technology, and healthcare information. Topics covered in this course include consumer applications, mHealth, innovative wearable, consumable, peer engagement, and behavior management systems. We explore how…

Credits: 3
Tuition: $2,400

Health Informatics

HIN 750: Applying Consumerization Principles to Health Informatics Strategy

This course introduces students to the concept of Healthcare Consumerism, including the relationships between consumer, technology, and healthcare information. Topics covered in this course include consumer applications, mHealth, innovative wearable, consumable, peer engagement, and behavior management systems. We explore how…

Credits: 3

Health Informatics

HIN 765: Communication for Healthcare Leaders

Students in the course will examine concepts, theories, and best practices for communicating in the professional workplace. The goal of this course is to refine they are written, oral and visual communication. Participants in this course will develop strategies to…

Credits: 3

Health Informatics

HIN 770: Foundations of Healthcare Data Analytics

R is an open source programming language ideally suited for analysis and visualization. This course will provide students with a foundation in data preparation and preliminary analytics using R which can be applicable for research, quality improvement and industry large-scale…

Credits: 3

Health Informatics

HIN 775: Advanced Concepts in Healthcare Data Analytics

Advanced topics in health informatics leverages the concepts introduced in the Foundation course. Students will be exposed to advanced statistics, vast and diverse data sets, and data interpretation and visualization. This course will prepare students for a deeper dive into…

Credits: 3

Health Informatics

HIN 785: Health Informatics Capstone

This course begins the 16 week capstone experience in Health Informatics by providing students the opportunity to implement what they have learned through the examination of trends, technologies, and opportunities facing the field. Examining cutting-edge developments in the science and…

Credits: 3


HSTL 1010: Histology

HSTL 1010 is a three-credit histology course that covers the microscopic structure and function of human cells and tissues. Course topics will emphasize the normal anatomy and function of cells and tissues from the eleven organ systems; however, learners will…

Credits: 3
Tuition: $440/credit


LCSI 1003: Life Science

Credits: 3
Tuition: $1,320

Healthcare Administration

Master of Healthcare Administration

The Master of Health Administration program is designed with curricular agility in mind, with courses routinely updated to align with employer needs in the accelerating field of healthcare. This graduate-level program cultivates career-ready professionals prepared to advance the industry forward…

Credits: 36

Public Health

Master of Public Health

 The Master of Public Health (MPH) is a graduate degree designed to prepare public health leaders with the knowledge and skills to prevent disease and injury and promote the health of individuals and communities. By focusing on practice and management,…

Credits: 46

Health Informatics

Master of Science in Health Informatics

UNE Online’s Health Informatics master’s degree program is a 36-credit hour master’s program designed to expand your technical skill set and knowledge-base to make you a leader in the health industry. This program can be completed entirely online, with no…

Credits: 36

Social Work

Master of Social Work Program - Advanced Track

Graduates of the University of New England Master of Social Work program learn to understand the potential for individual and collective human development when people live with dignity and social justice; to identify people’s strengths across diverse populations and how…

Credits: 35

Social Work

Master of Social Work Program - Traditional Track

Graduates of the University of New England Master of Social Work program learn to understand the potential for individual and collective human development when people live with dignity and social justice; to identify people’s strengths across diverse populations and how…

Credits: 64


MAT 120: Statistics

Credits: 3