This course introduces students to the concepts and methods of sociology, particularly as they are applied to an understanding of problems and structure in society. Topics include the social organization of the U.S. as well as other countries around the…
This course explores a wide range of human actions– homicide, rape, burglary, embezzlement, fraud, drug and alcohol use, as well as numerous other violent and nonviolent forms of crime and deviance. U.S. crime and victimization data are used to develop…
This course explores the social nature of food procurement, distribution, and consumption through a systematic sociological enquiry into the food we eat. By exposing the social relations associated and influenced by food it draws out the implications on our social…
In this course an ecosystem model of health is introduced and used to explore social and cultural factors involved in health, disease, and health care in both developed and developing nations. Illustrative topics to which the model is applied include…
SOCI 1010 is a three-credit sociology course that introduces students to the three main sociological perspectives: sociological imagination, social construction, and how to think like a sociologist. Topics such as deviance, social control, culture, stratification, socialization, social movements, and other…
This course is designed to provide pre-service educators and related service professionals with basic knowledge and practical skills for supporting students with disabilities in classrooms. This course will include an examination of the historical and legal basis for special education…
The HBSE sequence is constructed as theory for practice courses. Theories for practice form a conceptual framework to develop understanding of the impact of social context on health (broadly defined) and well-being and on social work. These theories attempt to…
HBSE is designed to develop and refine our consciousness of the continuous, dynamic and relationship that persists between human beings in any social context. HSBE II explores different theories about how human beings develop, understand, and participate in social relationships…
HBSE is designed to develop and refine our consciousness of the continuous, dynamic and relationship that persists between human beings in any social context. HSBE II explores different theories about how human beings develop, understand, and participate in social relationships…
This course provides an orientation to the history of science and the range of methods for informing evidence-guided social work practice. Knowledge generation and its application to social work research will be examined critically from a paradigmatic level. Students will…
Action Research for Social Work Practice builds upon the knowledge, methods, and skills provided in Research I. Students will continue to learn how to critically assess research from ethical, multicultural, and social justice perspectives, particularly in the context of agency-based…
The Social Policy and Advocacy course examines social welfare policy and practice with a primary focus on the role professional Social Work plays in the development, implementation and evaluation of social welfare policy and the impact social welfare policy has…
Social Work Practice I introduces students to generalist social work practice defined as planned change, at every system level, implemented through collaborative relationships with clients, colleagues, and community partners. The theoretical framework of this course is based on empowering and…
This course builds on students understanding of generalist social work practice, beginning with the planned change process within larger systems and moving into integrative multilevel practice. The theoretical framework of this course is based on empowering and organizational change theories…
Foundation Practicum I provides students with a supervised practice experience in a social service agency/organization. The practicum includes experiential learning in social work practice skills in a specialized setting. A weekly seminar provides students with an opportunity to discuss and…
Foundation Practicum II provides students with a supervised practice experience in a social service agency/organization. The practicum includes experiential learning in social work practice skills in a specialized setting. A weekly seminar provides students with an opportunity to discuss and…
Integrating Clinical / Community Practice Frameworks (SSW 526) is a required course for students enrolled in the MSW/MSWO program as Advanced Standing. It is designed to introduce social work scholarship, values, and skills embedded in the UNE School of Social…
Integrating Clinical / Community Practice Frameworks (SSW 526) is a required course for students enrolled in the MSW/MSWO program as Advanced Standing. It is designed to introduce social work scholarship, values, and skills embedded in the UNE School of Social…
Building on the foundation year practice content, this course further prepares students for direct practice with individuals, families and groups. Students critically examine social work theory and methods for direct practice with attention to how clinical social work values inform…
This second semester course critically analyzes how contemporary clinical theories explain the inner dynamics and external experiences of family systems. Practical applications of family theory are explored through case examples, role play and self-reflective writing that includes both self-analysis and…
This course builds upon the foundation year and introduces students to the changing context of community and inter- organizational linkages across human service systems. Major content focuses on community and organizational needs assessment, community building, understanding and working in multi-system…
Leadership, Administration & Supervision in Social Work (SSWO 565) will focus on nonprofit organizations and other systems to examine administrative roles within the context of competing organizational values. Various types of leadership will be explored and applied to practice at…
Social Work Practice with Groups teaches the conceptual base, professional values, ethics, and practice skills of social group work. Emphasizing social work with groups as integrative practice, this course encompasses the continuum from therapy groups to task-oriented groups. Course content…
Integrating Seminar/Practicum III & IV are a one-semester sequenced course designed to provide students with a supervised advanced practice experience in a social service agency/organization. The practicum includes experiential learning in advanced social work skills in a specialized setting. The…