Master of Science in Applied Nutrition

100% Online Degree

Master of Science in Applied Nutrition

Become a Trusted Professional in the Nutrition Field

The Master of Science in Applied Nutrition (MSAN) at the University of New England is 100% online and provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to become a leader in the nutrition field, promoting excellence and innovation in all areas of nutrition practice. The 36-credit MSAN curriculum prepares students for leadership roles in the nutrition field and emphasizes evidence-based best practices to support the well-being and health of individuals, families, and communities. Courses focus on current nutrition practice in areas such as nutrition education, nutrition research, health promotion and disease prevention. The program may be completed in as few as two years. The online MSAN degree program is ideal for professionals looking for a career in nutrition without a current RDN license (and not looking to earn an RDN license), as well as those with a personal interest in nutrition and wellness. (If you already have an RDN, you may be interested in the RDN to MSAN pathway here; if you would like to earn your RDN along with your masters, you can visit the MSAN Dietetics Focus here.)


Current Application Deadline

April 14, 2025

Summer A Session

Courses begin May 7, 2025


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Why Choose the University of New England Online?

Fully Online

Fully Online

Courses are delivered fully online, allowing the ability to complete coursework around your schedule.



UNE Online’s MSAN offers a flexible curriculum and provides multiple start dates each year.

No GRE Required

No GRE Required

Applicants do not need to submit GRE scores to be considered and accepted into UNE Online’s MSAN.

NECHE Accredited

NECHE Accredited

All of UNE Online’s MSAN pathways are regionally accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).

Applied Nutrition Focus Areas

University of New England’s online Master in Applied Nutrition degree allows students to bolster their area of expertise with options to select a focus area. The program provides you the flexibility to customize your course plan, or select from one of the focus areas with recommended course selections.

Non-Diet Approaches to Health Promotion Focus Area

This focus area centers around the cultural, environmental, psychological, physical, genetic and economic variables contributing to the increase in overweight and obesity. Students compare prevention, treatment and interventions, and evaluate policy approaches to work with populations and public health systems for healthful management of this epidemic. Successful students in this focus area are prepared for careers in schools, health and recreation centers, local, state and federal agencies, or HMOs weight management services, wellness programs, nutrition research, behavior change education and counseling. View the Non-Diet Approaches to Health Promotion focus area curriculum >>

Nutrition and Disease Prevention Focus Area

Students in this focus area use evidence-based research to analyze, interpret, synthesize and implement nutrition-related disease prevention theories and methods. Students will be able to apply specialized treatment models in nutrition practice and education, and be able to articulate the science and research used to affect meaningful change. Students learn best practice techniques for careers in the clinical, community and health management fields, specifically for roles as public health nutritionist, community-based nutritionist and food safety & nutrition specialist. View the Nutrition and Disease Prevention focus area curriculum >>

Sustainable Nutrition Focus Area

Sustainable Nutrition Focus students will investigate, propose, implement and evaluate long-term solutions for a sustainable and nutritious food supply that provides equitable access to high-quality goods, with minimal impact on our environment. Students will explore cutting-edge approaches to sustainable agriculture, the connection between production and consumer networks and the interrelationship of socio-economic, environmental and political influences on our food systems. Successful students will contribute to advocacy, health promotion, nutrition policy, and local and global sustainable food systems. View the Sustainable Nutrition focus area curriculum >>

Individualized/Customized Focus Area

This focus area allows students to customize their degree and tailor their education to best serve their professional and personal goals. Students choose courses from within the nutrition curriculum, building a network with students and faculty across the focus areas. Students learn best-practices in health promotion and disease prevention, and learn to interpret complex nutritional principles for the public. View the Individualized/Customized focus area curriculum >>

Applied Nutrition Program Outcomes

Completion of the Master’s in Applied Nutrition prepares students to advance their careers and take on leadership positions in the nutrition field. There is currently a high demand for knowledgeable nutrition professionals in the job market. Additionally, global health trends have revealed undisputed links between diet and health, emphasizing the importance of nutrition professionals in disease prevention and health promotion. Consumer interest in the relationship between diet, health, and well-being has also driven an increase in the need for applied nutrition practitioners. The MSAN degree from UNE Online produces graduates who are well-prepared to fill these roles.

Students completing the MSAN can:

  • Interpret, evaluate, apply and communicate complex nutrition concepts to a wide variety of individuals, communities, and organizations
  • Use evidence-based knowledge to inform best practices in nutrition professions
  • Provide leadership and innovation to the nutrition profession, facilitating the growth and application of best practices in the field regionally and globally
  • Utilize theories of health behavior and the translation of theory into practice as valuable tools in public health, community, and clinical nutrition settings

The UNE Online Experience

"I found that UNE Online had an applied nutrition master's program that was entirely online. It fit all of my needs. I was excited about the idea of being able to advance my career in academia through the intersection of sustainability and nutrition offered by this master's program. It's no exaggeration to say that the program is tailored for people with full-time jobs. It’s been very accommodating to my life and the demands of my schedule. Now that I've finished the program, I can say that in terms of the course content, I found it to be a nice balance between science-based nutrition courses, sustainability, and business."

Jimmy Grattan, UNE Master of Science in Applied Nutrition Graduate, 2021


At UNE Online we take a holistic approach to reviewing applications. No GRE is required for admission. Our MSAN program draws applicants from diverse backgrounds and a rich variety of professional and academic experiences. Successful students have natural perseverance, an inclination to take on new challenges and the ability to manage multiple competing priorities. We review applicants in a comprehensive manner, taking into consideration applicants’ previous academic coursework, professional experiences and their application materials.

Admission Requirements:

  • A Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution or its equivalent. See International Admissions for details regarding the evaluation of international degrees for grade and degree equivalency.
  • Applications are reviewed holistically as a determination of academic readiness. The admissions committee values previous academic performance as indicated on transcripts and considers it as part of the review process.
  • Previous coursework in Nutrition and/or Nutrition Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, and Statistics is highly recommended, but not required.
  • Computer with an internet connection, including the hardware and software requirements described in our Technical Requirements. Must also possess sufficient computer skills to navigate the internet as all classes are accessed 100% online.

    Application Process:

    • Completed online application
    • Resume or Curriculum Vitae
    • Goal Statements
    • Official transcripts reflecting conferral of a bachelor’s degree or above from a regionally accredited institution.

    Note: Transcripts for any coursework appearing as transfer credit on the transcript of the conferred degree can be waived if the coursework is unrelated to the degree being sought. The program admissions committee defines all coursework not eligible for waiver.


    MS in Applied Nutrition Curriculum

    The online Master of Science in Applied Nutrition curriculum is designed to make earning a graduate education accessible for full-time working professionals. The MSAN offers convenient, flexible courses, to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and values to advance in one’s career or to gain a leadership position in the growing field of nutrition. Additionally, in order to adhere to best practices, all UNE Online courses are adaptive and use universal design standards. Curriculum assessment and revision is regularly conducted in partnership with the UNE Online program teaching faculty and internal/external subject matter experts.

    To successfully earn a Master’s in Applied Nutrition students that do not hold an RDN credential are required to complete 36 credit hours, and students that do hold an RDN credential are required to complete 27 credit hours. The degree consists of 6-8 required courses (including a co-requisite course and a capstone course), plus 3-4 electives. See below for required core classes and electives, as well as course options within the specialized focus areas.

    Current trends and issues relating to nutrition, food, and food products are examined. The course will contain a review of key concepts related to the digestive system, metabolism, energy balance, nutrition and disease and the Nutrition Care Plan. Current issues related to these topics will be explored. Students will review, analyze and synthesize professional literature. Students will apply course concepts to their practice and/or area of study and expertise.

    Nutrition requirements and metabolism from preconception through older adulthood are examined. The impacts and effects of culture, environment, economy and mental and physical health on nutrition status across the life cycle are explored. Metabolism of macronutrients, nutrition assessment methodologies, and specific concerns for each life cycle stage are emphasized.

    Research methods and research design commonly used in nutrition research are examined. Topics include defining research questions, developing hypotheses, writing research goals and objectives, reviewing and interpreting literature, choosing appropriate research designs and understanding and summarizing relevant data. Professional presentation of research findings is emphasized.

    The normal and disordered metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and water, and the physiological actions of these nutrients are examined. Topics include macronutrient and micronutrient absorption, transport, and excretion, the regulation of biochemical and enzymatic pathways, variability in the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals, and the impacts of nutrient toxicity and deficiency in human and animal models.

    Health behavior theories and practices utilized to facilitate healthful behavior change in a variety of nutrition education, counseling, and clinical settings are examined. Topics include motivational interviewing, practice of professional and engaged verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, practitioner directed goal setting and group counseling. The design and evaluation of nutrition counseling practices are explored./p>

    Nutrition and health promotion and the role of nutrition in disease prevention are examined. Topics include exploring theory-based approaches to lifestyle and behavior modification to advance the health and nutriture status of individuals and communities, development of culturally and age appropriate health promotion practices, current research on the ways diet, environment and nutrition influence the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases at individual and population levels, and best-practices in health promotion. Students develop a practical approach to explore or address health promotion and disease prevention for a target population.

    Current nutrition and wellness literature will be critically reviewed and evaluated. Development and presentation of nutrition related research will be performed. Quantitative and/or qualitative research methods including research design and methodology, data collection and analysis and interpretation of findings will be employed. Topics include appropriate use of statistical software, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) processes, research design, implementation and evaluation methods for a variety of nutrition research initiatives, and professional presentation of research findings.

    This course requires departmental permission for registration. If you would like to register for this course, please contact MSAN Student Support Specialist Stacy Mears at

    The latest theories, research, policy, and practices relating to a variety of nutrition concepts, controversies and practice will be applied to a relevant area of the students choice and approved by the instructor. This capstone course will culminate in a paper or project such as: a proposal of and explanation for new research, a research investigation of an educational or clinical question or practice, a proposal to modify current policy or practice, or a proposal to research, develop and/or implement new approaches to the management and treatment of a nutrition or wellness concern.

    This course requires departmental permission for registration. If you would like to register for this course, please contact MSAN Student Support Specialist Stacy Mears at

    Nutrition principles, clinical nutrition assessment, the development, use, and monitoring of therapeutic diets, and nutrition support in the treatment and prevention of disease will be examined. Topics include lifestyle strategies and nutrition and therapeutic based interventions to correct nutrition insufficiencies, promote optimal health, and prevent, manage or correct medical problems.

    Nutrition behavior, public health implications of nutrition status, nutrition education initiatives and leadership in the nutrition and wellness fields will be examined. Development of educational materials and programs for a range of settings will be explored and dissemination of professional education materials for a variety of audiences will be emphasized.

    Commercial and media influence on concepts of physical and mental health, wellness, nutrition and nutrition education will be examined. Commercialization and consolidation of food systems and the impacts on nutrition are explored. Topics include food labeling, food advertising, the impact of consumers and food businesses on food supply and policy, food lobbyists and policy practices impacting consumer habits, social influences of advertising on the impact of food choices, and media dissemination of nutrition information.

    The epidemiology, etiology, and pathophysiology of overweight and obesity are examined. Complications in management of overweight and obesity are explored. Topics include public health, psychosocial and economic factors impacting overweight and obesity, current educational and theoretical models used to combat overweight and obesity, and emerging research on the causes of overweight and obesity.

    This course requires departmental permission for registration. If you would like to register for this course, please contact MSAN Student Support Specialist Stacy Mears at

    Nutrition principles, clinical nutrition assessment, the development, use, and monitoring of therapeutic diets, and nutrition support in the treatment and prevention of disease will be examined. Topics include lifestyle strategies and nutrition and therapeutic based interventions to correct nutrition insufficiencies, promote optimal health, and prevent, manage or correct medical problems.

    Nutrition behavior, public health implications of nutrition status, nutrition education initiatives and leadership in the nutrition and wellness fields will be examined. Development of educational materials and programs for a range of settings will be explored and dissemination of professional education materials for a variety of audiences will be emphasized.

    This course examines the role of micronutrients and micronutrient metabolism in human health and nutrition, specifically the digestion, absorption, transport, storage and excretion of vitamins and minerals. Homeostatic mechanisms and micronutrient interactions with dietary, organic and inorganic compounds will be explored. Topics will include micronutrients and medical nutrition therapy, micronutrient toxicity and deficiency, bioavailability of micronutrients and clinical implications of micronutrient status.

    The epidemiology and etiology of nutrition-related disease will be examined. Dietary, lifestyle and behavior change approaches in chronic disease prevention and management will be emphasized. Disease prevention and management using dietary modification and specialized therapies will be emphasized. Topics include specialized treatment for the critically wounded or ill, nutrition-related disease prevention, nutrition therapies for genetic and chronic disease states and therapeutic approaches to disease management.

    The role of the nutrition professional in promoting general health and wellness through a variety of communication methods will be examined. Theoretical models of nutrition counseling and behavior change and evidence-based nutrition intervention design strategies are emphasized. Topics include calculation of diet modifications for a variety of disease states, development of educational materials, techniques for communicating nutrition information to individuals, use of multimedia communication strategies, and culturally appropriate information dissemination strategies.

    Strategic use of multimedia communications tools in the nutrition and wellness industry will be examined. Theories of mass communication, including contemporary perspectives and their application to current nutrition and wellness practice are emphasized. Topics include professional and ethical approaches to communication, multimedia writing, use of media for Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), integration of marketing, and branding and public relations in multimedia and marketing campaigns.

    This course brings together graduate students in public health, education, social work, nutrition, and health informatics to work collaboratively to learn the fundamentals of policy-making as applied to the broad issue of student mental health in an educational setting. Students work in interprofessional groups to identify the social problem, describe the policy context, map potential policy solutions, and make final recommendations in an individual written policy analysis that incorporates learning from their interprofessional peers. Students will explore the structure and function of government systems as they relate to values-driven policy decisions.

    Diets, dietary practices, food choice and food patterns will be examined through the lens of sustainability at local, national and global levels. Consumer choices and their impact on food webs and global food systems will be explored, through analyzing the various inputs, outputs, and outcomes of food choices. Nutrient availability and nutritional status associated with a variety of dietary types will be considered through the context of dietary effects on personal and environmental health. Topics include policy, socioeconomic, cultural and ethical impacts of a variety of diets/dietary choices.

    Global food systems, systems of agriculture, food webs, the influence of agricultural systems on climate change, and environmental impacts of food growth, processing, and distribution will be examined. National and International law and agricultural, trade and financial policies, and effects on food systems and food system sustainability will be investigated. Planning and management of large and small scale food production operations, food systems workforce, ethical treatment of production workers and livestock and genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) will be explored. Topics also include international dietary practices and food choices, and cultural and socio-economic impacts on local food systems.

    Food access, food sovereignty, and the economics of food will be investigated. Local and international social justice and food advocacy initiatives will be investigated. Social feeding programs, community needs assessments and funding for food advocacy programs will be examined. Topics include access to food, the impacts of income inequality, discrimination, regional conflict and sanctions on parity in food choice and food availability, and food deserts.

    Advanced research methods and conducting online research will be examined. Appropriate use of qualitative and quantitative research design, methodology, data collection, and analyses will be emphasized. Topics include determining appropriate research design, population size, recruiting research participants, the use of valid and reliable measurement instruments to address research question(s), use of statistical software in analyzing and interpreting data, and presentation of research findings.

    Media organizations, their audiences, and the ethics of advertising will be examined. Best practices, transparency and risk mediation in advertising will be explored. Topics include communicating with potential clients in both industry and non-profit sectors, seeking grant funding for nutrition initiatives, accuracy in advertising, privacy and trust, and their application within the context of nutrition and wellness settings.

    Social media metrics used to inform marketing campaigns and budgeting decisions will be explored. Analyzing social media metrics and developing strategies for viable advertising and social media information dissemination campaigns concerning nutrition and wellness will be emphasized. Topics include how to evaluate and manage the return on investment (ROI) of social media efforts and campaign strategy modification based on the outcomes of metric analyses and data visualization and presentation strategies.

    Small business development in the nutrition and wellness industry will be examined. Strategic decision making and leadership will be emphasized. Topics include the development of business plans, assessing the risk of business concepts, and identifying strategies for success in competitive, traditional and emerging markets. This course will culminate in a business plan, feasibility study, market analysis report or other project or work-product approved by the Instructor.

    *Note – Please review the UNE Academic Catalog for the full and most up-to-date course descriptions and program information.

    Tuition and Fees

    Tuition for the University of New England Online Master of Science in Applied Nutrition is competitive among other schools at $860/credit* and because all of our courses are delivered 100% online, you will not incur the cost of traveling or relocating to complete your degree. (*Note: Tuition is subject to change. Listed tuition does not include the cost of fees, books, or additional credits that may be required, etc. Contact Student Financial Services to learn more.)

    Cost per
    Credit: $860

    # of credits: 36

    Typical Cost for Program:


    Application Fee (non-refundable)
    General Services Fee (per semester, non-refundable for matriculated students)
    Tuition (per credit hour)
    Technology Fee (per semester)
    Registration Fee (non-matriculated students per semester)

    Accreditations and Associations

    When choosing an institution of higher education, you want to be sure your investment will hold value upon completion. We are proud to hold NECHE (New England Commission on Higher Education) accreditation at the University of New England and for our graduate programs. NECHE Accreditation ensures a high level of academic quality and public accountability for the education being provided.

    Additionally, our MS in Applied Nutrition degree is recognized by the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists as fulfilling the academic requirements that nutrition professionals need in order to achieve the Certified Nutrition Specialist certification.


    Our MSAN Faculty consists of a growing team of scholars and clinicians with practical experience in the field of nutrition. Most hold doctoral degrees and many hold advanced clinical certifications. Our faculty members are subject matter experts representing a variety of specialty areas from within and outside the university.
    Our experienced and knowledgeable Faculty will work with you to prepare you to be a well-qualified nutrition practitioner with in-depth knowledge of nutrition and the insight into data-driven techniques and strategies to become a leader in your field. See our applied nutrition faculty and staff.

    Student Support & Resources

    At the University of New England Online, we are committed to providing our students with the highest level of academic and personal support. Our online applied nutrition programs were created with the working professional in mind. We understand the unique challenges of adult students who are often juggling school, career, and family, which is why we offer a robust Student Academic Success Center (SASC) and high-touch academic advising. Learn more about Student Support and Resources.

    Frequently Asked Questions


    The online Master of Science in Applied Nutrition is offered during three terms per year, with an opportunity to start the program in one of six sessions offered throughout the year. Students may begin the program in Spring A or Spring B, Summer A or Summer B, or Fall A or Fall B. Each term consists of two 8-week sessions. Students take one course per 8-week session. Contact an Enrollment Counselor at (855) 751-4447 or for program and enrollment information.

    • Applicants are required to have an undergraduate degree or above from a regionally accredited college or university with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
    • Applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA requirements are encouraged to still apply. Your personal enrollment counselor can share some ways to strengthen your application before review.
    • The GRE is not required as part of the admissions process. If you have taken the GRE, you are welcome to provide your score as part of your application package, but it is not a requirement.

    To request consideration for transfer credit, the student must provide an official transcript, a course syllabus, and complete the transfer credit form. For a copy of the transfer credit form, contact your enrollment counselor. Transfer credit is awarded at the discretion of the Applied Nutrition Program Director. Transfer credit should be completed within the last five years and will be awarded at the discretion of the Director, Graduate Program in Applied Nutrition.

    Master of Science in Applied Nutrition

    Yes, the MSAN program is specifically designed with the working professional in mind. In fact, in a 2022-23 poll of UNE Online students and alumni, 87.3% reported that they were working (64.7% full-time, 22.7% part-time) while completing their degree.

    The flexibility of our program allows you to complete your degree in as few as two years.

    Students take one online course per eight-week session. There are two 8-week sessions per term, and three terms per year (Summer, Fall and Spring). This allows students to complete 6 or more courses per year. Courses are generally 3 credit hours, and students must successfully complete 36 credit hours in order to earn the Master of Science in Applied Nutrition degree.

    If you have any questions about the curriculum, we encourage you to reach out to an Enrollment Counselor to learn more at (855) 751-4447.

    The Master of Science in Applied Nutrition is completely online and asynchronous with no campus visits required.

    At UNE Online, a focus area is a suggested bundle of electives in a specific area of interest. While this bundle of electives will be listed on the student’s transcript and the area of interest can be emphasized on a personal resume, please note that the focus area title will not appear on a student’s transcript or diploma.

    Assignments will vary for each course and may include discussion boards, reading assignments, written papers, case studies, and/or group work. It is recommended that students log in to their course three to five times per week for participation in course activities.

    At UNE Online, “applied nutrition” means that students directly and immediately apply the knowledge they gain from their advanced studies to the nutrition field. The program uses an Authentic Intellectual Work model and curricula that utilizes project-based learning; this approach is designed to teach students relevant career skills. Using this method, over the course of their degree students create and curate an e-Portfolio that can be used to showcase their work to peers or prospective employers.

    This program uses the Brightspace D2L Learning Management System.


    Yes, regulatory laws vary from state to state. Be sure to check our certification map to determine what your state’s requirements for practicing nutrition are before deciding if this program will be a great fit for you.

    The University of New England’s M.S. in Applied Nutrition program fulfills all the current academic requirements for the Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) certification. The Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS) requires a graduate degree in the field of nutrition from a regionally accredited university, specific coursework, and 1,000 hours of supervised experience before they will consider a candidate for the CNS certification. Please note, the University of New England Online does not offer the 1,000 hours of supervised practice experience needed to become a CNS.

    BCNS reviews each candidate individually, including current course descriptions, transcripts, and experience to determine eligibility. To learn more about becoming a CNS, read about the Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) Credential on the Vision Blog.

    Student Support

    Our motto is “a successful student is a supported student.” Upon entering the program, you will be assigned a dedicated Student Support Specialist to provide you with support and to answer any questions you may have.

    Your Support Specialist is your on-the-ground advocate at the University – from questions on textbooks, to registration, to financial aid and more, they are there to help you make your academic journey successful. This dedicated support runs parallel to the tremendous support you will receive from program staff, your academic advisor, course instructors and fellow classmates.

    You can learn more about the kind of support you’ll receive by watching our “Student Support at UNE Online” webinar.

    This will vary based on the students academic background and professional experience. For the best outcomes, our student support specialists recommend that you reserve at least 20-25 hours a week for coursework and studying.

    In a 2018 survey, 94% of M.S. Applied Nutrition students and graduates reported feeling satisfied with the availability of program faculty. They also rated ‘timeliness to responses’ and ‘ease of engagement’ as the highest reason for this satisfaction.


    Tuition for the Master of Science in Applied Nutrition can be found here on the Tuition & Costs section.

    More than 90% of our students receive some form of financial aid. Please visit our financial aid page for more information.

    Students taking one course per 8-week session are considered full time students, and eligible to receive financial aid.


    There are a lot of career possibilities and opportunities after completion of the M.S. in Applied Nutrition dependent on your previous education and credentials, the state you live in, and what your interests are. Some examples may include:

    • Industry consultant (product development, testing, branding, marketing)
    • Nutritional health coach
    • Nutrition communications specialist
    • Health promotion specialist
    • Social media writer
    • Food safety and nutrition specialist
    • Marketing specialist
    • Nutrition and wellness writer
    • Corporate or non-profit nutrition and wellness program manager
    • Curriculum consultant
    • Restaurant/catering/institutional food consultant
    • Weight management specialist

    Career possibilities with previous education and credentials in fields such as education, nutrition, nursing, exercise science, chiropractic, social work and a variety of other fields further diversify the career possibilities associated with completion of the M.S. in Applied Nutrition and could include:

    • Health and nutrition teacher (K-12)
    • Nurse practitioner with a specialty in Applied Nutrition
    • Personal fitness and nutrition coach
    • Behavioral and disordered eating consultant
    • Registered Dietitian
    • Food service manager
    • Clinical nutrition manager
    • Clinical brand manager

    The importance of diet and wellness practice and the connection to personal and public health has become increasingly popular. As interest in these topics continues to rise, the demand for professionals who can guide the public towards best nutrition practices is growing accordingly.

    The MS in Applied Nutrition provides students with an advanced degree that helps them prepare for professional leadership roles in the nutrition field, such as becoming a Certified Nutrition Specialist. The Applied Nutrition program’s mission is to advance knowledge and expand skills that promote excellence and innovation in all areas of nutrition practice, and to emphasize evidence-based best practices to support the well-being and health outcomes of individuals, families, and communities through education, research, and service.

    In addition to this job market demand, open-ended career possibilities allow our graduates to pursue the personalized career they’re passionate about.

    Students do not need to have a bachelor’s in nutrition to apply to this program. As with any program, prior experience is valuable and improves your chances at admission. However, the M.S. in Applied Nutrition program does not require previous experience in nutrition to be admitted, nor has it found that previous experience is necessary to be successful in earning your MSAN degree.

    Please visit our page for the RDN to MSAN pathway.