We are pleased to announce the availability of funds to support research activities among primary and adjunct faculty, staff, and public health students. We have secured funds with this new public health mini-grant to assist students and faculty in attending conferences and conducting research.
A committee of experienced researchers who are primary and adjunct faculty of the College will conduct the review of the applications. The mini-grant program administrator, GPPH’s Research and Service Coordinator, leads this committee. Recommendations for funding will be made to the Research and Service Coordinator who will finalize the award decisions. The greatest number of highly ranked applications will be funded within the available budget.
For a detailed description of the grant program, as well as a link to the application, please visit:
Additionally, if you were to have any questions about the application or the review process, please contact the Research and Service Coordinator, Dr. Carol Ewan Whyte at cewanwhyte@une.edu or 207-221-4128.
Questions about Public Health certifications or the Graduate Programs in Public Health at UNE Online? Get in touch with an Enrollment Counselor at 1(855)325-0895 or email publichealth@une.edu – or fill out an online application now at online.une.edu/gateway-portal-page!
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