Telehealth And Social Work Ethics Online Workshop

Join us for an insightful workshop on “Telehealth and Social Work Ethics” Gain crucial knowledge on the NASW Code of Ethic Standards for Technology and the use of technology in modern social work practices. Explore topics like EMR/EHRs, informed consent, PHI storage, telehealth services, and social work licensure.

Date: 02/23/2024
Time: 9AM – 12PM EST
Cost: $80
Contact Hours: 3
Format: Live Remote (Zoom) – Link Sent 2 Days Before Workshop
Speaker: Patricia Coccoma Ed.D., LCSW

Speaker Bio: Dr. Coccoma brings years of experience in academia and social work, currently teaching at the University of New England. She’s a Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider with a deep understanding of trauma-informed care, social work ethics, and mental health.
Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and enhance your practice.

Register now!

#SocialWork #Telehealth #EthicsWorkshop 📚✨