Students who are taking post-baccalaureate Science Prerequisite Health Prerequisite (SPHP) courses through the College of Professional Studies will be administratively withdrawn for non-participation if a gradable assignment has not been submitted on or prior to the last day to withdraw (8-weeks from start date) with a grade of W.

Participation is determined within UNE Online by posting a gradable assignment on or prior to the last day to withdraw with a grade of W. Students who do not participate during this time forfeit their rights to be reinstated into the course.

Both the faculty member and the Student Support Specialist will make a good faith effort to contact students before administratively withdrawing them by sending an email to their UNE email address ( Students who are administratively withdrawn will not be issued a refund.



If you have any questions about registration, the coursework or course requirements, please reach out to one of our student support team members using live chat(see bottom right) or email below.