CHEM 1011: General Chemistry II Lecture CHEM 1011L: General Chemistry II Lab

General Chemistry II Lecture Course Overview

CHEM 1011 is a three-credit, lecture-only, online general chemistry course. Since this is the second of two semesters in this series, it will be assumed that the student taking this course has a good understanding of general chemistry. Subjects covered in this course include mixtures, trends in the periodic table, organic chemistry, kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid-base equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, elements in nature, the chemistry of transition elements, and nuclear chemistry.

*This course is considered an upper-level undergraduate course (300 level or above)


General Chemistry II Lab Course Overview

CHEM 1011L is a one-credit, lab-only, online general chemistry course. Since this is the second of two semesters in this series, it will be assumed that the student taking this course has a good understanding of general chemistry. The overall goal of this course is to give an introduction to general chemistry focused on understanding the concepts within the labs and the scientific method. These concepts include components of matter, atomic theory, stoichiometry, chemical reactions and bonding, thermochemistry, gases, quantum theory, electron configuration, models of bonding, theories of covalent bonding, shapes of molecules, and intermolecular forces of liquids, and solids.

*This course is considered an upper-level undergraduate course (300 level or above)

*We offer the opportunity for you to take just the lecture, just the lab, or both together.

General Chemistry II Lecture Course Outcomes

  • Define and apply parts of the scientific method.
  • Describe the fundamental properties of atoms, molecules, and physical states of matter.
  • Perform calculations that relate atoms, molecules, moles, and mass.
  • Trace the flow of energy in chemical reactions and perform energy calculations.
  • Identify the organizing principles of elements in the periodic table and use these to predict trends in atomic properties.
  • Relate basic quantum mechanical principles to electronic structure and chemical bonding.
  • Convert quantities in related units and systems of measurement.
  • Calculate solution concentrations and perform dilution calculations.
  • Balance chemical reactions and use the balanced reactions to calculate reaction yields.
  • Identify and classify precipitation, acid-base, and redox reactions.
  • Predict the shapes of molecules with a single central atom.
  • Use the ideal gas law to calculate the properties of gases.

General Chemistry II Lab Course Outcomes

  1. Utilize basic scientific equipment safely and accurately.
  2. Make, record, and report experimental observations.
  3. Create and analyze Excel-based graphs of experimental data.
  4. Observe and interpret chemical reactions.
  5. Effectively communicate experimental information in a scientific writing style.

General Chemistry II Lecture or Lab Course Prerequisites

  • One semester of college-level algebra (MATH 1010)
  • One semester of college-level general chemistry (CHEM 1010/CHEM 1010L)

    * Please note these prerequisites are highly suggested and support course preparedness and success. We recommend having completed the listed prerequisites before enrolling and within the past seven years.

How do exams work?

All exams are taken online. Major exams are required to be proctored online through Honorlock. For instructions on how to take your exams online, visit UNE Online’s Honorlock page. Please note exams must also be proctored with the UNE-approved external webcam.

How do labs work?

Most of the weeks include a laboratory assignment. Introductions to a week’s laboratory assignment can be found in that week’s learning module. Each lab in the HOL/Science Interactive Cloud website includes pre-lab questions, the experiment, and post-lab evaluation questions. There is a lab video that accompanies each lab.

Tuition & Fees

CHEM 1011: Lecture Only


  • Credits: 3
  • Tuition: $1,320
  • Registration: $30
  • Total: $1,350*

CHEM 1011L: Lab Only


  • Credits: 1
  • Tuition: $440
  • Registration: $0
  • Total: $440*

CHEM 1011 & CHEM 1011L:
Lecture and Lab


  • Credits: 4
  • Tuition: $1,760
  • Registration: $30
  • Total: $1,790*

*Total payment is due in full at the time of registration. The cost of the materials is not included in this total.

Required course materials

  • Mandatory External Webcam and Whiteboard for Proctored Exams
    SPHP courses require the use of the UNE-approved external webcam for all proctored exams. The UNE-approved whiteboard is optional dependent on the course. (Webcam & Whiteboard Ordering Information)
  • Textbook:
    OpenStax Chemistry 2e. Available for free within your course.
  • Lab Materials:
    All lab materials are purchased through your course. Please be aware that costs vary for each course and can range from $100- $500+. *Lab materials only need to be purchased if registering for CHEM 1011L.
As a Reminder

Complete at Your Own Pace within 16 weeks

24/7 Online Registration

Courses Typically Begin Every Two to Three Weeks

Working at the pace typical for a four-semester hour course, the average student will complete this online course in approximately 16 weeks. Many students have elected an online course for the sake of flexibility. Since the course is self-paced, you may be able to complete the course in less than 16 weeks.

You may enroll for a course at any time through our self-service registration portal. Payment is needed in full at the time of registration.

You must be registered for your class by 12:00 noon EST the Monday before the class starts. Your official start date is the date that the course opens and you will have 16 weeks from that date to complete your course.





If you have any questions about registration, the coursework or course requirements, please reach out to one of our student support team members using live chat(see bottom right) or email below.